Our friend-in-blogging Ryan, who, with his girlfriend, created and maintained the wonderful, now-defunct LOLSecretz, needs our help. You see, said girlfriend has moved from her beloved Greenpoint, Brooklyn to the wilds of Connecticut and misses the gray city and its Morlock inhabitants dearly. So, for her birthday, Ryan has placed a life-sized cut out of her on a street corner in Greenpoint and asks that friends and strangers pose for a photo with "her," and send it in. That way she can feel like she had a big ol' party with friends (...and complete strangers...) in fair Greenpoint. Sounds crazy and sort of cute, right? Full details after the jump.

Here's the story: My girlfriend moved to Connecticut from Greenpoint last year. She misses it terribly, and constantly pines for the days spent with friends in the neighborhood. So, for her birthday this weekend, on Sunday night I installed a life-sized cutout of her at the southeast corner of Franklin and Noble Streets in Greenpoint. I am asking anyone who can to go to Greenpoint and photograph themselves with the Birthday Girl, and then, email or pix message the photo to birthdaygirl08@gmail.com . Soon she will have an entire album of images of herself and many, many friends partyting in Greenpoint! I will also be uploading all images to my flickr account, so all can watch as the piece progresses.