Studio Intimacy Sweepstakes Get Richer as Fox Joins Craigslist Circle-Jerk Circuit

At this rate Craigslist might want to consider a subcategory for "Studio J.O. Break" or some like-titled catch-all for furtive worktime leisure pursuits; Casual Encounters can't possibly contain the epidemic of solicitations that began yesterday on the Sony lot and continues today with an even more ambitious transmission from Fox [NSFW]:
20th Cent. FOX lot. MWM, horny, hung thick! Any other studs here? - 38 (Fox Lot)
38, MWM, VGL, discreet, clean, NEG, and HUNG. Looking for some playmates on the lot for jacking/oral. Or around the area who can host from time to time. Cool with jacking, oral, anything safe. And, yes, total top here. Forward pics. No pics = no response. Face too. Gotta see you before meeting up. Total discretion, obviously. Thanks and have a great day.
No, thank you! Not be outdone, Sony's rascal in Culver City reintroduced his offer as well ("Stuck here on the lot again today, no luck yesterday, getting hornier by the hour"), once again accompanying his plea with a photo of an unsuspecting cluster of folks listening in at the masturbatory hotbed of Stage 19. We can't wait to see how a horny Paramount drone, with the swinging dick of his studio's billion-dollar 2008 tightly in hand, ups the symbolic ante on Wednesday with the C/L's lustiest, most well-cast and best-marketed ad to date.