At two weeks into your garden variety tabloid scandal, the regular spiel starts to get a little old—yes, yes, we know, that brainwashed third-baseman has been giving the aging pop diva the hot beef injection—and so new angles are required. For example, we have Page Six's item today which claims Madonna has been "loving" the attention, and plans on hitting today's All-Star game at Yankee Stadium. "'She doesn't care about the press it will get - she loves it,' said a spy. 'It just gets her more publicity for her upcoming Sticky and Sweet tour.'" How this spy managed to crack the complex Madonna Motivation code we'll never know—but crack it they did!

Meanwhile, paparazzi parked outside CBS's New York headquarters captured quite the moment: Katie Couric leaving work, being told that A-Rod was dining across the street. Pan to A-Rod, who gestures for her to come over. Ick! A tawdry scoop! She'll pass. There's 40 pages of Eye On America paperwork that needs to be filled out before she can even begin to ask him about the connection between red string bracelets and batting averages.