Fox News correspondent and alleged harasser Rachel Marsden was escorted from the News Corp. building last year after parting ways with late-night show Red Eye. But now she has been allowed back on the premises to distract terrified American homeowners into staring at her outfit instead of thinking about what she's actually saying, which is that the free market is about to foreclose on their homes. Marsden wrote in to say she did a Fox Business News segment Friday on subprime mortgages, and that it was in the building from which she had once been banned. Also? She loves everyone at Fox and they love her back. From the email:

I've never actually had a problem with Fox - nor they with me - despite all the false gossip.

Marsden, who has been described as a Canadian version of Ann Coulter and who now spends her time running a political recruiting company, also blew a kiss at Fox News chief Roger Ailes:

I've always been a big fan of Roger Ailes - and am always honoured to be asked to contribute to anything this great man has built.