After offering Eliot Spitzer hooker Ashley Dupre $1 million to pose for a nude video, Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis discovered he already had nude video of Dupre, and now says it will be the final word on the ex-prostitute because "I got to her before Spitzer - she looked a lot better at 18." Francis told the Post he filmed Dupre "in girl-on-girl action" after she was thrown out of a Miami Beach hotel during spring break and took refuge on Francis' party bus. Dupre's celebrity is allegedly about to end, according to the Post — sales of her song have dried up and traffic to her MySpace page has slowed. An attorney who represents a different hooker said it might be too late for her to cash in. Really? Somehow it seems unlikely all porn, book and "butt girl" opportunities have passed Dupre by. The Post, for example, appears to have more than a little faith in the call girl's popularity: the tabloid assembled an eight-page Girls Gone Wild Dupre photo gallery, plus a four-page gallery of Dupre clubbing. A representative photo from each is after the jump.