• Britney Spears dug deep into her rolodex and found the last manager she had who was not totally insane. Turns out it was the one who discovered the singer. And who she told off while going crazy. Woops. [OK!] (Photo: X17)
  • On a less hopeful note, Spears is into wigs again. She wore a very plain, brunette wig for half a car ride. Paparazzi den X17, which of course is in a position to measure Spears' activity to fraction-of-a-car-ride accuracy, asked "why???" [X17]
  • The thing about Johnny Depp making ads for Magnum condums? Amazingly, that turns out to NOT be true. [Portfolio]
  • John Cusak's stalker, who is 33 and apparently severely suburned, took a cab to the movie star's house, then could not pay, so the police were called. Then the police found something alarming and took the actor's stalker to jail. [AP]
  • First Amy Winehouse was moving to the British countryside, then she was about to leave for rehab in Israel or South Africa, now she's just moving across town? I am starting to suspect the Sun does not have the highest standards for accuracy. WHO KNEW?? [Sun]
  • Kylie Minogue is giving American gays one last chance to get the rest of the country to fall in love with her, then the pop diva never coming back ever again. [Sun]