Senator Barack Obama's "official blogger" has ties to the Communist Threat that could bring this nation to its very knees! "Sam Graham-Felsen, a journalist-on-leave from The Nation, joined 'Obama for America' in March 2007 where he works for the New Media department as the official blogger, daily presenting the campaign's public face. Now he's under fire for his reputed Marxist sympathies from bloggers at Common Ills on the left and Little Green Footballs on the right."

"Graham-Felsen, according to a 2003 article in the Harvard Crimson, adorned one corner of his shared student apartment with 'a Communist Party flag ... bought on their trip to Russia the summer after sophomore year.'

"The revelation echoes an earlier public relations problem in February when a Houston Fox TV affiliate captured images of a volunteer in an Obama campaign office working in front of a flag featuring the image of Che Guevara, the South American revolutionary who became Fidel Castro's executioner after the communist takeover in Cuba." [WND]

They're everywhere, I tell ya. It could be the crossing guard, the mailman, the friendly blogger next door... It could be you!