Amid general rejoicing in the humiliation of boss-from-hell Bonnie Fuller, have some sympathy for the departing American Media editorial director. Fuller not only failed to turn American Media's supermarket tabloid Star into a real competitor to the glossier Us Weekly; she recently lost her mother. But the driven Canadian-born super-editor-who boasted of her ability to juggle career and family in a recent advice book-may have used her mother's death to manage the news of her departure. New York Post terrier-like media reporter Keith Kelly was sniffing around last week. Bonnie Fuller's shameless response?

"I have been out of the office for nearly three weeks, one week or so while my mom was sick and now she passed away and I have been sitting shiva all week. It is not true at all. I am not looking for another job and I am NOT negotiating this contract with AMI to leave. Please tell Keith if he does this while I am sitting shiva it would be terrible to me."

Kelly has punished the fibbing celebrity editor for her lie with particularly brutal coverage in today's Post complete with a vicious spoof of her departure as it might be reported in a celebrity tabloid and a nasty headline-Ding Dong, Bonnie's Gone. For Fuller's greater sin-a lie on her mother's grave-she doesn't have to answer to Keith Kelly; only to her own conscience and whatever dark deity she worships.