• Lehman Brothers is said to be weighing a plan to take the firm private. [NYP]
  • The SEC has subpoenaed over 50 hedge fund execs as part of its probe into whether short-sellers spread false rumors about Bear Stearns and Lehman. [WSJ]
  • Wall Street is bracing for a few days of bad news as Citigroup and other major financials announce earnings and new write-downs. [NYT]
  • GM chief Rick Wagoner is expected to outline further job cuts and other capital-preservation measures in a speech today. [Bloomberg]
  • Venture capital fund-raising was actually up 3%, to $9.1 billion, in the second quarter of 2008 over last year. [Business Week]
  • Revolving door: Lehman's former head of investor relations, Shaun Butler, is returning to the bank. Ex-Bear trader Melissa Ko has started a $1 billion hedge fund. [WSJ, Reuters]