• Ford announced an $8.7 billion loss for the second quarter—its worse ever—and an $8 billion write-down. [NYT]
  • Daimler AG's profits fell 25 percent and the company slashed its forecast for the year. [Bloomberg]
  • Credit Suisse announced better-than-expected earnings for the second quarter. [Bloomberg]
  • The head of Microsoft's online division, Kevin Johnson, is leaving the company to become chief of Juniper Networks. [WSJ]
  • Gary Crittenden, Citigroup's CFO, says the company has no plans to break itself up. [Dealbook]
  • Goldman has raised a new $10 billion fund. [NYT]
  • Linens 'n Things, which was taken private by Leon Black's Apollo Management in 2005 and which went bankrupt in May, may be forced to liquidate. [NYP]