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Angelina Jolie wasn’t kidding when she went on (and on) about über-husband, highbrow architect and sometimes-actor Brad Pitt’s obsession with home design in this month's Vanity Fair. As we noted on Tuesday, Jolie spent much of the VF cover story gushing about Pitt’s ability to design and teach her how to make the light look just right in all seasons (side note — are we the only ones who find this incredibly unsexy? Hell, it’s Brad Pitt. Nevermind). But on a recent jaunt to Switzerland, he dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars on in an effort to furnish upcoming Chosen Two Perfection Facility with furniture that is high on style but low on comfort. From scratchy aluminum rugs to chairs that do not look suitable for any variety of chair sex (wild or otherwise), we took a closer look at Brad’s shopping spree after the jump.

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As the Post reports, Pitt recently spent some time at the Design Miami Basel fair buying the hollowed out table we see at bottom left for nearly $300k, in addition to two ergonomic chairs like the ones at top left. That horrendous rug we see at bottom right is made of aluminum, which saves the planet and all that boring stuff, but looks like it's made of cardboard and may puncture tiny Shiloh's perfect feet. As for that monstrosity at top right, Pitt apparently expressed "interest" in a silver version, which is fiberglass and "lacquer-finished." Meaning the pair can get as wet as they want while canoodling on it, but will most likely just slip off it onto their crunchy granola rug. Hot.