Fox blonde E.D. Hill, the lady who coined the phrase "terrorist fist-jab" in reference to Barack Obama's affectionate exchange of knuckles with his wife, went on-air to "clarify" her remarks today. "Now, I mentioned various ways the Obamas' fist pump in St. Paul had been characterized in the media," Hill said. "I apologize because unfortunately, some thought I personally had characterized it inappropriately." How could we have made that mistake?! We all should've realized she was just repeating someone else's characterization. It's just too bad there's no record of anyone else making that characterization!

The closest the internet can come to coughing up a reference to a "terrorist fist-jab" that doesn't involve Hill is one comment on political blog Human Events Online. The comment was deleted. And also it was insane.

Michelle is not as “refined” as Obama at hiding her TRUE feelings about America—etc. Her “Hezbollah” style fist-jabbing—mouth-twisted anti-American speeches is STRAIGHT from ISLAM!

See? Don't you feel bad for Ms. Hill now? All she did was alter and repeat, without citation or context, a ridiculous deleted comment from some anonymous nutjob and present it as but one reasonable interpretation of a goddamn fist-bump. Looks like we all owe E.D. Hill a little apology!