Madonna's Gay Brother Has His Revenge

Simon & Schuster is printing 350,000 copies of a book by Madonna's brother Christopher Ciccone, to be rushed onto store shelves next month before the singer's lawyers can sue to block publication. The book is said by the Post's sources to be "brutal" and "extremely graphic and devastating," which normally would sound like publisher hype, except in this case the tabloid seems to be in a catfight with Simon & Schuster over a spoiled exclusive so that seems doubtful. Once Madonna's rock of stability, Ciccone was estranged from the pop star around the time Madonna met husband Guy Richie, who doesn't like gays. Or maybe Ciccone just hates his sister so much that he wants people to think Richie hates gays, so Madonna's gay fans will jump ship (Richie has denied being homophobic). Whatever. The important thing is that the public will finally learn some intimate details about Madonna, poster child for discretion and underexposure. [Post]