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The most important meme of our era, new v. old media, is stressing out the PR people who act as gatekeepers to Fashion Week. All the fashion bloggers want access to the shows, but who knows whether they'll conduct themselves professionally? Or write the kind of appropriately fawning copy that you can depend upon when 16 pages of ads will magically disappear otherwise? Yet no one wants to completely relinquish the exposure bloggers provide either, especially since it's becoming reasonably clear that this thing known as the internet is taking over the world.

As Julie Fredrickson of—who famously crossed the Wicked Witch of Fashion, Kelly Cutrone, over a storm-in-a-teacup Anna Wintour incident, and is banned from Cutrone's shows as a result—not very eloquently puts it: "I think a blogger is so much more likely to get more coverage about a designer than, like, an assistant accessories editor from Marie Claire who might feature a shoe of theirs on like page 132." Like, absolutely.

Oh, Lowly Blogger? Your Seat's in the Back [NYO]