Look what happens when journalists report about a ratings dip at Fox News: their photos become ghoulishly caricatured on Fox & Friends. According to the show's co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade, New York Times television editor Steven Reddicliffe, who just so happens to be a fired and disgruntled Fox employee, assigned reporter Jacques Steinberg to write a "hit piece" on how fewer viewers were tuning in to the fair and balanced news network. It was a form of aggression that would not stand, and so the nasty liberal "attack dogs" got their comeuppance by having their facial features distorted and exaggerated with the magic of Photoshop. As you can see above, Steinberg became a chain-smoking Dick Tracy villain, and Reddicliffe became Lionel Trilling.

Media Matters has video of the segment. And this isn't the first time Fox News has served its vengeance airbrushed and unfunny.

[Media Matters]