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♦ Gordon Gekko will live again: A sequel to Wall Street is in the works, although Michael Douglas has yet to sign on to the pic. [Variety]
♦ The downturn has been good for financial news sites: and have both experience record growth. [WWD]
♦ The new issue of Rolling Stone is shorter and skinnier than issues past. [AP]
♦ Andy Lack, the former president of NBC News (and, more recently, the relatively unsuccessful CEO of Sony Music) is joining Bloomberg L.P. as CEO of the company's multimedia group. [NYO]

Daily Show correspondents (and real-life couple) Jason Jones and Samantha Bee have inked a sitcom deal with CBS. [Variety]
♦ Halloween-themed ads are upon us, but the economy has changed the tone of the campaigns from frugality to fright. [NYT]
Newsday, which is now owned by Cablevision, reported $80 million in losses in 2007, down from $282 million in 2006. [AP]
♦ The private equity firm OpenGate Capital has purchased TV Guide magazine. [Forbes]