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New York's Adam Platt visits Bobo and Bloomingdale Road this week, and while he isn't thrilled with Bobo chef Patrick Connolly's portions (they're "barely large enough to feed a flea"), it still earns a two-star review. Bloomingdale Road isn't quite as lucky: It gets a zero-star review thanks to its "bizarro conception and spotty technique." [NYM]
♦ A look inside Michael Huynh's new BarBao on West 82nd St. [Eater]
♦ Brussels chain Rouge Tomate and Tom Valenti's West Branch are both slated to open this week, while the Plaza's Oak Room is expected to open its doors "early next month." [NYM]
♦ New York is experiencing a "coffee renaissance," apparently. [NYT]
♦ Tips on how to create the perfect menu for your election night bash. [RG]