♦ The Times has the skinny on "Martin Eisenstadt," the supposed McCain consultant who leaked info to the press. (He's an aspiring filmmaker, not surprisingly.) In the meantime, MSNBC's retracted its story. [NYT, AP]
♦ You might be enjoying CW's Stylista, but the ratings thus far haven't been especially encouraging. [NYO]
♦ Two new cast members, Michaela Watkins and Abby Elliott, will join Saturday Night Live beginning this weekend. [NYT]
♦ Showtime is developing an hour-long show by Stan Lee about a gay superhero. [Variety]

♦ Fox has pulled the plug on MadTV. [TVDecoder]
♦ The Economist is laying off 12 staffers in the US. [AdAge]
Men's Vogue may have been shut down, but Condé Nast would still like to sell you a Men's Vogue lapel pin. [FBNY]
Good Morning America has landed the first interview with Bill Ayers. Chris Cuomo will handle the honors and it will be broadcast tomorrow. [TVNewser]
♦ Alan Colmes's wife's sister is conservative TV commentator Monica Crowley, if that means anything to you. [HuffPo]