Charlie Rose Asks, Vikram Doesn't Answer

Charlie Rose interviewed Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit on his PBS program last night. It was Pandit's first extended TV interview, and one he clearly prepped for with the help of Citi's communications department, given his insistence on starting off every response with Charlie's name. Unfortunately, Pandit seems to have also been advised not to answer any questions and stick to canned statements instead, so poor Charlie (and the viewing audience) didn't get to find out what exactly transpired behind the scenes last weekend when Citi was rescued by Washington, or what Pandit thought of the Times' crushing account of the bank's failures last Sunday. (This also explains why Charlie looks so grumpy for most of the interview.) Points to Vikram for sitting through 54 minutes without saying anything substantial. And he did wear a nice blue suit and red tie, if that's any consolation. Video of the non-interview after the jump.