John Edwards' former lover Rielle Hunter may be keeping mum while the former politician drags her name through the mud, but Rielle's kid sister, Melissa, is having none of it. She doesn't buy Edwards' claims that he isn't the father of Rielle's baby. She wants the man to take a paternity test. And she wants him to shut the f- up! "I wish that those involved would refrain from bad-mouthing my sister," she says. "In the first reaction from Hunter's family, her younger sister Melissa told ABC News that Edwards should immediately follow through on his pledge to take a paternity test. 'I would challenge him to do so,' the sister said. 'Somebody must stand up and defend my sister.'"

"Melissa said Rielle was being falsely portrayed as a 'promiscuous person' and was not involved in 'setting up' Edwards at the hotel meeting."

"'She is a good and honest person, the sweetest and most caring woman one could ever hope to meet,' the sister said. 'Do you think it's easy for us to just sit back and let everyone rip her to shreds and not defend her honor?'" [ABC]