This week marked the debut of The City, the New York-centric MTV reality show that follows Whitney Port flitting around town with her fellow DVF "co-worker" Olivia Palermo. New York honored the grand occasion with a feature by David Amsden, who observed that Palermo isn't the only fixture on the social scene who has been in search of reality TV stardom. There's also Deborah Trachtenberg—otherwise known as Devorah Rose—the "26-year-old editor of Social Life magazine, who recently sold an idea (currently called Social Heights) to ABC about the lives of her and her close friends, the publicist Kristian Laliberte and diamond heiress Annabel Vartanian." Props to Devorah for managing to squeeze two lies by New York's factcheckers in the same sentence. She's actually 29, not 26. And the sale of that reality TV concept? Well, that came as news to ABC, who said they'd never even heard of the show.

Since we'd hate to think we might somehow miss Devorah's television debut, we dialed up ABC and were connected to Susan Sewell, the network's vice president of media relations. Sewell, as you might expect, knows quite a bit about ABC's upcoming programming schedule and and what reality TV shows the network has in the works. The problem is that Social Heights isn't one of them. "I haven't heard anything about it at all," Sewell explained, which isn't all that surprising considering two months ago Rose informed Page Six magazine that the show was already in production. On Bravo. Which, in case you're wondering, is owned by NBC Universal.

We're guessing the ever-changing story means we don't have to worry about setting our DVRs just yet. (And given The City's lackluster ratings and not-so-positive reviews from critics and bloggers, we're also guessing The City won't spark a bidding war for Rose's similarly-themed show.) The good news is it will leave her plenty of time to focus on brushing up on her grammar and actually publishing Social Life magazine.

Run for the Hills [NYM]