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• There were bound to be a few dramatic moments at the inaugural parties last night: Sheryl Crow had an awkward run in with her ex, Kid Rock, in the lobby of Donovan House. John Legend was forced to make a last-minute stop at Bloomingdale's because his girlfriend didn't have a gown. Susan Sarandon got a reporter kicked out an event for daring to ask a question. And Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony showed up so late to the Neighborhood Ball, they almost didn't get in. [P6, WP, Politico]
• One possible explanation for Lopez's late arrival: She was spotted at the Scientology Center in LA yesterday morning, trying to sneak out of the building without being noticed. [NYDN]
• Another headache for John Travolta and Kelly Preston: A politician in the Bahamas may have been part of a plot to extort money from the couple following the death of Jett Travolta. [OK!]

• Did Britney Spears land £10 million to pen an autobiography? Maybe! [Mirror]
• Meet Amy Winehouse the hero: According to the Sun, the singer saved a tourist from drowning in St. Lucia. [The Sun]
• Last week they were fighting, but now Samantha Ronson is begging Lindsay Lohan to marry her. At least that's what the Enquirer says. [NE]
• Shia LaBeouf's driver's license has been suspended for refusing to take a breathalyzer after his July 2008 crash. [Star]
• Courtenay Semel and Casey Johnson are at Sundance together. And all is well, from the looks of things. [NachoFoto]
• Jude Law is wearing a neck brace these days, but it's nothing serious. [P6]
• Looks like Elle MacPherson is no longer in the picture: Renee Zellweger went on a date with Dan Abrams in Sag Harbor last Saturday. [P6]
• A lawsuit filed over footage allegedly showing Heath Ledger talking about drugs has been settled, although the terms were disclosed. [E!]
Anne Hearst, Kelly Killoren Bensimon, Katie Ford, Nina Griscom, and Muffie Potter Aston turned up for Tatiana Platt's baby shower at Le Cirque. [P6]
• Spencer Pratt beat up his sister's ex-boyfriend outside an LA nightclub last weekend. [Star]
• William Balfour, who stands accused of killing Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew, pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in court yesterday. [Star]
• Sully Sullenberger, the pilot aboard the jet that crashed in the Hudson last week, had dinner last night at a restaurant called the Hudson. [TMZ]