• Reporters have been sent to Alaska! "The world arrived here more than a century ago with the gold rush and later the railroad," the New York Times reports from Wasilla. Yet one aspect of American life did not come to town until this week: the national press! William Yardley reports that frontier maverick Sarah Palin introduced culture war "wedge politics" to a sleepy little Northern Exposure town by turning the friendly mayoral race into a Newt Gingrich scorched earth battle for the soul of Wasilla. Then on her way out as mayor she campaigned against her own step-mother! ICE COLD. [NYT]
  • Maureen Dowd says Palin's life is a mess, just like the lives of real Americans. Then she compares McCain to Mondale and Hillary Clinton which is about as bad as it gets in the Dowdiverse. [NYT]
  • Levi Johnston, the kid who knocked up Bristol Palin and will now be forced to marry her, will attend the RNC tonight. [FirstRead]
  • You know what words we love to hear? "The Eagleton Scenario." It's like a dark '70s government paranoia film starring Warren Beatty, right? Except this one is about how today is McCain's last chance to ditch Palin as a running mate before she's officially nominated by the convention. After that nomination, he has to clear his second choice with the RNC. Which shouldn't be a problem unless he picks his good buddy Lieberman! [Atlantic]
  • The YouTube parodies are upon us. Everyone practice your funny northern accents! [Wonkette]
  • Palin was basically not vetted at all as you may have imagined. [WP]
  • Oh, Thomas Friedman is upset that Palin hates polar bears and loves oil. [NYT]
  • Palin loves earmarks, especially earmarks that maverick John McCain hates. [LAT]
  • Answers to all these questions and more, tonight when Sarah Palin speaks to the RNC. Or not! [Reuters]