Scary Test: Find A Name You Don't Recognize In 'Who's Who At Fashion Week'

Cityfile compiled a booklet of Faces at Fashion Week and posted it online so people like you could have your own glamorous little liquid crystal menagerie to admire right at your very own venue of indentured servitude. Look, Carine Roitfeld! The Ronsons! Andre Leon Talley and Kelly Cutrone and two separate Hearsts! And the most startling realization upon clicking and resetting text size enough to read the goddamn thing…
- Fuck, I know who like, all of these people are. So do a lot of you, I bet. And I don't even buy clothes, or think about clothes, or watch reality TV. How the fuck did that happen?
- Oh yeah, there was that time and that time and that and that. Oh yeah and that.
- This sort of calls to mind the time I asked my friend, who covered the fast food industry for the Wall Street Journal, why McDonald's didn't accept credit cards. She said industry conventional wisdom had long held that people didn't want to be reminded once a month of the massive quantities of grade C beef and high fructose chicken lips they'd consumed that month. Now I sort of see why.
- Okay, I didn't know Muffie Potter Anston or Anna Anisimova. Yay. So who are they, you ask? Well, Muffie is the wife of some plastic surgeon and Anna is the "daughter of a Russian billionaire" who doesn't have "much of a career to speak of." Huh. Well, I am sure they have rich inner lives in any case!
- You'll note that McDonald's locations everywhere accept credit cards now. Maybe people know better than to open their statements.