Old Ladies Fight, Run The World, Despite Terrible Skin

Anna Wintour is the scary domineering overlord of Vogue and, by extension, the entire fashion industry, but did you also know that she is quite old! Fifty-eight years, if you want to split one of the fabulous hairs on her perfectly bobbed head. This fascinating little tidbit was made abundantly clear by the Huffington Post, which for no apparent reason turned into WWTDD yesterday afternoon and posted large high-quality pictures of Wintour's 58-year-old skin. It's seems Vogue has lots of beauty secrets to share, but none that can turn Wintour's face and arms into the tight, baby-smooth softness that her waif-y models possess. (No wonder she's never been on the cover!) With no explanation for this bizarre swipe—and Wintour obviously still filming the video rebuttal for her MySpace page—the New York Observer took it upon themselves to remind the world that the Huffington Post is also run by a scary and equally old lady with clogged pores. So what's up with all the cheap shots? Well ... just look at them! They old!

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Photos via AP/INFGoff