One thing that is difficult about capturing the pathos of this Lehman crisis, aside from the obvious fact that media people are to the prospect of unemployment as Michelle Duggar is to the prospect of having to wet nurse something, is that Lehman employees seem so intent on having a good time. Ten thousand or so bankers (like the photogenic London based couple pictured here) will lose their jobs, and already there are like 296 Craigslist ads up now offering casual sex to be performed on/by them. And none of the ads seem clever enough to be fake! (And we even adjusted our creativity expectations downward in accordance with industry norms; for instance, if this guy asked if you wanted to get licked like, say, a hamburger, we might be suspicious.) Then there are these guys…

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ICYMI - CNN - 2 Guys making-out in front of Lehman Bros. during Live Broadcast @ Yahoo! Video

Oh, P.S., ha ha ha, Howard Stern punked everyone, no wonder our tipsters at Lehman seemed a lot less sanguine than these guys. But bankers of the banks, take it from the media, which might not be so entranced by this recession if our entire industry weren't in the throes of an irreversible decade long contraction: fucking is superior to financial success! And there is a whole world of people who work in economic sectors like "education" and "music, ha ha ha" who would not even think to equate one with the other. So take heart; at least your industry can't exactly go anywhere — someone has to figure out how much money your industry owes China and it's not going to be anyone who has spent the year cultivating microfame! — and in the meantime, get drunk, screw someone ill-advisedly and take heart in the fact that when people like me lose jobs, we have to borrow money from journalists. Sex Diaries: The Overserved Ivy Banker [NYM] Earlier: In Tough Economic Times, Bankers Long For Intimacy With Their Happy Endings