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Madonna is always reliable for causing some sort of furor with her live performances, and so it went with her Sticky & Sweet Tour, in which a video-collage backdrop had aligned images of John McCain and Mike Huckabee with Adolph Hitler, Ayatollah Khamenei, Robert Mugabe, and Kim Jong Il; later on, Barack Obama appeared in a grouping which included the Dalai Lama, Al Gore, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and (cough) Michael Moore. Now you can watch the video that McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds called "outrageous, unacceptable and crudely divisive all at the same time," and judge for yourself, as a copy of the disco-agitprop has emerged on YouTube. Obviously, this was thrown together well before Sarah Palin was even a blip on the national radar; we can only imagine the kinds of fun Madonna could have throwing a cone-bra into the Palin impression ring, voguing her way through a choreographed moose-slaying accompanied by two shirtless and well-muscled background dancers representing Todd and Track. The video is after the jump: