• Angelina Jolie supposedly threatened to leave Brad Pitt because he was never home at their filthy French chateau with the six kids. God knows why. [Sun]
  • Tina Fey got her purse back! Sarah Palin had it. [Showbiz Spy]
  • Lindsay Lohan responded to her publicity-seeking father saying Lohan's girlfriend Samantha Ronson was "dark, hideous and... disgusting." Lohan said her dad "obviously needs to be on medication." [P6]
  • Sad Hugh Hefner is losing two out of his three "girlfriends." He's still got the married one. [P6]
  • Boy George to George Michael: "Get yourself clean." By George, he's right! [Mirror]
  • Beverly Hills is too noisy and dense for Britney Spears, and that's just from the Ed McMahon visits. HEY-OH! [E!]
  • Sharon Stone lost her adopted son to her ex-husband Phil Bronstein, the newspaper editor. [Sun]