Skinny Madonna Denies Eating

- Madonna and Alex Rodriguez had a big secret dinner at Dos Caminos Third Avenue in New York. They arrived half an hour apart, sat in the back at a quiet, "alcove-like" table and left by separate exits. Then they denied the Mexican food rendezvous to the press, since Rodriguez's soon-to-be-ex-wife has the crazy idea Madonna sneaks around with A-Rod . But Us Weekly and Page Six each has a source who saw the dinner, so it's basically confirmed.
- The other big rumor about Madonna is that she isn't eating anything at all, ever, with anyone and that her skeleton is terrifying the innocent people of Gotham. [Sun]
- It wouldn't have been a proper farewell to Steve Dunleavy if Geraldo hadn't spilled a martini on Cindy Adams' handbag at some point in the evening. [Post, bottom item]
- Instead of taking meetings with book publishers he want to advance her $6 million, Tina Fey is personally calling celebrities to beg them to do 30 Rock cameos. Salma Hayek is the latest and she's signed on for two episodes. It's not clear if she forced Fey to do her Palin impression as part of the negotiations, but she totally should have. [P6]
- Natalie Portman sold her $6.5 million West Village condo because she is "valuing her privacy more and more."
- Jennifer Aniston complained to the press that the press falsely accused her of using her relationships to get more press. This got her more press, although not as much as a celebrity relationship would. Still: Excellent flackery. [Hollyscoop]