Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Gedolf (her real name), NYC's latest teen-celebrity cokehead, is not doing so well in her glamorous media job. Imported from Britain, she's attending NYU (Olsen-twin style), and living in Williamsburg with her new musician husband. She "works" for It mag Nylon sometimes, but right now she's annoying MTV. She's Just Like Us: she's a pain in the ass at work and her bosses dislike her:Reports the Sun:

"MTV bosses have slammed the 19-year-old after collaborating with her on a new documentary in which she attempts to edit a magazine.

A senior executive was forced to heavily-edit the one-off programme after running the content by the production company’s co-founder - Bob Geldof... Heather Jones, MTV’s UK managing director for content and creativity, said no amount of editing could portray Peaches in a positive light."

Geldof's a bit like Helen of Troy: when she was, like, sixteen, Brit heroin-rocker Pete Doherty said that due to her pinching his ass before going on stage, he performed rather poorly at the Live 8 concert. With that in mind, who knows how much havoc she'll wreak in media. She must be fired before it's too late.