Madonna Has Put A-Rod Back In Her Batter's Box

Perhaps mindful that her McCain/Hitler concert montage went over about as well as a soiled dominatrix outfit, pop superstar Madonna has returned to the well that attracted her the most attention this year: her are-they-or-aren't-they flirtation with New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez. Though Madonna's camp had quelled the rumors before by having her step out with husband Guy Ritchie, the director is now overseas shooting Sherlock Holmes, and Us Weekly says that Madonna seized the opportunity to meet up with Rodriguez once more:
Madonna and New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez took in a cozy dinner for two at Dos Caminos Third Avenue on Tuesday, a source told They pair ate at an alcove-like table in the back. "They seemed very close," a source told ...Rodriguez was smitten with Madonna six months before the scandal broke. "He [said] he was in love her," a friend of A-Rod recalled to Us. By February, A-Rod had upped the ante. ""He said, 'She's my f—king soulmate, dude,'" the friend said.
Fuck yeah, brah! We do feel compared to warn Rodriguez, though: sure, comparing biceps with Madonna might seem fun at first, but the singer has dated and tossed aside athletes before. Should we find you wandering around Central Park dazed, crammed into a bridal gown, and mumbling the lyrics to "Bedtime Stories," who among us will be able to say that we didn't see it coming? [Photo Credit: AP]