• New York Times Co. CEO Janet Robinson "isn't happy with the media." She'd also like to make it clear that the company is not currently up for sale, so please put your dollar bills back in your wallet, thank you very much. [MW]
• Ten movies will compete for Best Picture at the Oscars now, not 5. [THR]
• Sad: Dick Cheney landed a $2 million deal to publish his memoir. [NYT]
• Also sad: MSNBC, the illustrious home of blowhard Keith Olbermann, seems to think its tired prison docs are more important than covering Iran. [LAT]
• Director David Fincher is in talks to make a movie about Facebook. [Reuters]
• The always classy In Touch spent $75,000 to purchase photos of Kate Gosselin spanking her kids in public for its cover last week. [WWD, NYP]

View co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck says the claim that she plagiarized parts of her bestselling diet book about celiac disease is "without merit." [NYP]
• The publisher of the Journal says Google is a "digital vampire." [Crain's]
• Cable companies are struggling to figure out how to make money on the web. If you have any bright ideas, pass them on to Jeff Bewkes, please. [NYT]
• Is anyone watching network TV? No, not so much. [NYT]
Cosmo has redesigned its website, just so you know. [Jezebel]