• ABC and NBC will face off on Thursday night with competing tributes to Farrah Fawcett, who died today. But you probably expected that, no? [NYT]
David Letterman beat out Conan in the ratings last week, the first time the Late Show has dominated the weekly ratings since 2005. [THR]
Rosie O'Donnell will debut a new show on Sirius XM this fall. [NYDN]
• Rumor has it Ben Silverman's tenure at NBC may be ending soon. [DHD]
• Fox News now averages the same number of viewers as CNN, MSNBC, and HLN combined. Cue an evil grin across Roger Ailes's face. [THR]
Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson's new book contains material he ripped from Wikipedia. But he's really, really sorry about it, okay? [NYP]

• The New York Daily News and London's Evening Standard wil be sharing content going forward, just so you know. [E&P]
Bloomberg Markets magazine is expanding. At least someone is! [FT]
• LinkedIn has tapped former Yahoo exec Jeff Weiner as its new CEO. [NYT]
• Dylan Ratigan's new MSNBC show launches next week. And it has all the makings of a tremendous success, no question about it. [Gawker]
• Why is Eddie Murphy still getting acting work? It's a big mystery. [NYT]
• The Jonas Brothers have another No. 1 album. Sadly. [Billboard]