• Cablevision is planning to launch an entire cable network devoted to nothing but wedding shows. So now you'll be able to watch Bridezillas 24/7. Yay. [B&C]
• It may not be over for Vibe. Quincy Jones, who founded the magazine in '93, says he's looking into buying it back and keeping it alive as a website. [Ebony]
Spin reportedly laid off 20 percent of its staff yesterday. [Gawker]
• Gannett Co., the largest newspaper publisher in the U.S. by circulation, is reportedly cutting between 1,000 and 2,000 jobs at the company. [WSJ]
• More bad news for CNN: MSNBC is now in front on weeknights and Campbell Brown's nightly show continues to plunge in the ratings, too. [NYT, TVBTN]
• CNBC's Dennis Kneale doesn't like it when bloggers mock him. Will acting like a nut on TV fix that? No, but it sure makes for amusing TV. [Dealbreaker]

Moneyball seemed to be a sure thing given it had a big name star (Brad Pitt) and big name director (Steven Soderbergh) attached to the project. But that still wasn't enough to keep Columbia Pictures from shelving it. [NYT]
• The Transformers sequel continues to dominate at the box office. Alas. [THR]
• Goldman Sachs is firing back after Matt Taibbi penned a blistering piece about the bank both online and in the pages of Rolling Stone. [NYP]
• NY1 is asking viewers to come up with a new take on its theme music. Props to the lovely young lady from Queens who came through in a big way. [NYO]