• Téa Leoni, who encouraged husband David Duchovny to seek treatment for sex addiction, fell in with Billy Bob Thornton, who has been married five times and has a child with his current girlfriend. Téa became his rock band groupie and accumulated dirty text messages from the actor on her cell phone. She's now separated from Duchovny and free to track down every last sex-addicted actor on the planet. (And Neel Shah is realizing the Truth Was Out There.) [Mail]
  • Paris Hilton wants to be the queen of England, so she's flirting with Prince Harry to get to Prince William, and also doing a sad mating dance: "She started ... basically shaking her ass in front of Prince William.” And it sorta worked! We will destroy your monarchy yet, limeys! [The London Paper]
  • Jennifer Aniston is staging uncomfortable dinners with ex John Mayer and her friends, including Courtney Cox. "Jen was leading but John walked very closely behind her when they left." Ha, I bet. [Sun]
  • Madonna his cozying back up to the father of her children, ex-boyfriend Carlos Leon. He's remodeling her apartment, if you know what we mean. (And what we mean is, he's "overseeing renovations." If you catch our drift.) [Sun]