• The Spotted Pig sells an estimated $1.2 million worth of cheeseburgers a year, making it NYC's top-grossing dish. Balthazar's steak frites is No. 2. [GS]
Frank Bruni doesn't have too many good things to say about the food at Monkey Bar in his one-star review today, not surprisingly. Graydon Carter's "social pulpit," Monkey Bar merely "affirm[s] his ordination as the high priest of a certain fame-focused, power-obsessed sect of Manhattan society." [NYT]
• Related: Illustrator Edward Sorel talks about his Monkey Bar murals. [Zagat]
• Other reviews today: Danyelle Freeman gives three out of five stars to DBGB; Time Out's Jay Cheshes hands over four out of six to Marea; and Alan Richman makes the case that Bruni should make Marea the Times' first four-star Italian restaurant before he steps down next month. [NYDN, TONY, GQ]
Chodorow is denying that he ever considered reuniting with DiSpirito. [TFB]
• 7-Eleven says it plans to open 44 new stores in NYC this year. Ugh. [NYT]

• Icon, the restaurant inside the W New York-The Court that was last crowded during the spring of 2000 (approximately), has closed its doors. [GS]
• A new survey by Zagat finds that 61 percent of New Yorkers are cooking dinner at home more frequently than they did before the recession. [NYDN]
• All is not well with high-end restaurants in Vegas, as you expected. [NYT]
• The Starbucks on the UES that blew up back in May? It turns out the perpetrator is a teenager who was inspired by Fight Club. Kids! [NYT]