When NBC Universal poached executive producers from TV fashion competition Project Runway in May, we wrote the move would "enable [NBC's] Bravo to create something very similar to Runway," which producer Harvey Weinstein was in the midst of moving to Lifetime. That seems to be precisely what has happened, per a Bravo casting call on Craigslist for "talented designers where the winner will win a large cash prize." The likes of Weinstein are none too happy that NBC is moving ahead with a copycat show while the Weinstein Company is enjoined by court order from doing anything with Runway. Poor Harvey is going to get clobbered! Says Page Six:

Another source said: "Basically, Bravo took all the benefits of the 'Project Runway' brand without being a good partner..."
The producers of Project Runway fear Bravo is stalling to get Fashion House on air before the court case is resolved and capture the original show's viewers.

Oh man, NBC is being a bad partner to poor Harvey "I Own New York Media" Weinstein? Just wait until the angry calls and emails start pouring in on that outrage, Jeff Zucker! Just you wait!!