• The next top editor to fall victim to budget cuts at Condé Nast, at least according to Keith Kelly: Architectural Digest editor Paige Rense. [NYP]
• The first guest on Jay Leno's new show on Sept. 14: Jerry Seinfeld. [THR]
• Jay, Conan, Jon, Jimmy, Jimmy, or Craig? Now more than ever, celeb (and their publicists) are being forced to choose between late-night hosts. [THR]
• At least a dozen advertisers have abandoned Glenn Beck's show now that he's established himself as the most vile human being on television. [NYT]
• A big group of media companies—including CBS, NBC, Disney, News Corp., and Viacom—have teamed up to give the Nielsen ratings a run for its money. [NYT]

• The Los Angeles Times unveiled its redesigned website yesterday. [E&P]
• Rumor has it the winning bid for Vibe was "in the mid-six-figure range." [NYP]
Steve Brill says his new company, Journalism Online, is going to save the newspaper industry. Not everyone agrees. [NYT, LAT, Gawker]
• Marketwatch's Jon Friedman says Lou Dobbs has "sold his journalistic soul to the devil." Coming from a guy like Friedman, that's saying something. [MW]
• Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove will be playing themselves on Fox's (left-leaning) Family Guy next season. How very subversive! [THR]