• Last night's long-delayed premiere of the sixth season of Project Runway—on Lifetime, not Bravo—earned the show its highest ratings ever. [NYT, THR]
• Breathe easy: Anna Wintour's travel itinerary for the fall fashion shows in London, Paris and Milan will not be affected by the recent round of budget cuts at Condé Nast. She'll be staying at the Ritz in Paris, as usual. [NYP]
• The cuts have claimed Condé's supply of coffee stirrers, however. [P6]
• Another member of the Sulzberger clan is joining the New York Times. [NYO]
• News Corp. has been meeting with newspaper publishers to discuss forming some sort of "consortium" to charge people for access to news online. [LAT]
• News Corp. is also in talks to sell its Dow Jones stock market index. [NYT]
Harvey and Bob Weinstein have a lot riding on the success of Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds. How is the movie expected to perform at the box office this weekend? Not too bad, per early estimates. [THR]

• A-listers just aren't bringing the crowds to movie theaters like they used to. Thus A-listers aren't getting $20 million-a-movie all that much anymore. [NYT]
• Movie theaters aren't running film showtimes in newspapers like they used to, since you get all that info on the web these days. Duh. [AP]
• ZelnickMedia, the private equity firm founded by former BMG chief Strauss Zelnick, is now in contention to buy BusinessWeek. [BW]
• A woman who wrote a book about vampires has filed a copyright infringement suit against Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. [Reuters]
• It looks like Michael Wolff has another failed start-up on his hands. Traffic to his third-rate news aggregation site has plummeted recently. [NiemanLab]
• Did the New York Post accidentally publish a photo of Jennifer Aniston's crotch today? It certainly seems that way. [Gawker]