Harvey and Bob Weinstein are breathing a sigh of relief today. Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds did better than expected at the box office this weekend, raking in $37.6 million in sales. Not that one good weekend will be enough to lift the studio out of the financial mess it is in. [NYT, THR, WSJ]
• Related: In what may be a first for a movie opening, Inglourious Basterds seems to have benefited by a "crest of tweeting goodwill." [THR]
• Some 48 years after it was first published, Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking is now No. 1 on the New York Times' best-seller list. [NYT]
• Has the Glenn Beck brouhaha made advertisers skittish about buying commercial time during political shows in general? [AdAge, Politico]
Jared Kushner's New York Observer is launching a new paper called The Commercial Observer. It's about commercial real estate, naturally. [NYT]
• Magazine newsstand sales continue to suffer, not surprisingly. [AdAge]

• Sam Zell's Tribune Co. has sold off the Cubs for $845 million. [WSJ]
• The Reader's Digest Association has filed for bankruptcy protection. [AP]
• Oprah Winfrey plans to celebrate the 10th anniversary of her O magazine with a giant, gridlock-inducing block party. Great idea. [NYP]
Time Out New York is beefing up its emphasis on sex and dating in a desperate attempt to remain relevant. Good luck with that. [NYT]
• Slate has replaced its "Today's Papers" with "Slatest." Yawn. [NYT]
• JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon is now a "media mogul," apparently. [NYP]
Times executive editor Bill Keller is apologizing for Cintra Wilson's recent anti-JCPenney column, and says he wished it hadn't been published. [NYT]
• The big, new thing in publishing: books without jackets! [NYO]