Ogilvy, one of the world's most famous ad agencies, encourages all of its staffers to vote! "We'd like to remind you that the future of your country depends on making your voice count," they write in an internal email. So how are they helping their employees exercise their rights? By telling them that if the long lines at polling places make them miss the "minimum required hours of work time," then they have to use a vacation day today. Well, they sure are bastards. The full email below:

Last month, we sent out a note to the agency on the importance of making your voice count by registering to vote. We'd like to remind you that the future of your country depends on making your voice count, NOT your political affiliation—which is why Ogilvy is actively encouraging each and every one of you to exercise your constitutional right to vote in the November 4, 2008 General Election. We will both be voting before we come to the office on Tuesday. Shelly believes so much in our power to vote that she even filmed a video as part of a CEO Get Out the Vote effort sponsored by Google. (To see Shelly's full message, click on this link: https://truffles.ogilvy.com/root/tpl/en/nws_room.asp?newsID=7342. To view the full Google montage, click on this link: http://www.votehour.org/#.) We urge everyone to try to vote early. We will be flexible that day if you need to come in late or leave a little early (please make sure you account for your office's minimum required hours of work time – if you need more time, please use personal or vacation). What's important is that everyone takes the time to cast a ballot and make your opinion count.