What Will Obama Mean For Our Elitist Yuppie Industries?

Affluent urban professionals are so happy that Obama is our next president! They're educated and urbane and liberal and they are simply in love with our elected leader, for a change! But now that they've finally gotten over their election night party hangovers, they're starting to realize: whoa, these Democrats might not be so good for our beloved Fashion/ Advertising/ PR/ Entertainment industries, which give us affluent urban professionals our paychecks! After the jump, we take a brief look at how these industries of liberal elites really feel about the prospects of an Obama presidency:
- Fashion: Fashionista types are so in the tank. The promise of Obama even lured Anna Wintour out of her Batcave to vote! So where does the huge industry trade group the American Apparel and Footwear Association stand on the issues? Well, they're against anything that makes unions stronger, obviously. Not good. They're very upset about China's domination of the textile manufacturing sector. Obama will presumably push China on some issues, but he's far from a protectionist. And they don't want to have to compete with Federal Prisoners for government contracts. When Obama frees the oppressed, that won't be a problem. Huzzah!
- Advertising: Ad people love Obama so much they named him Marketer of the Year! But as Ad Age points out today, the industry is concerned about what the new administration might do on a number issues: Will they endanger direct-to-consumer drug advertising? Will they pass stricter privacy rules that cut back on the ability of marketers to profile people? Will they strengthen the FTC and the FCC to reverse rampant deregulation and media consolidation? The ad industry would not like to see any of those changes, all of which are objectively good for consumers.
- Public Relations: Lots of CEOs of major PR firms were totally in the tank for Obama, including big ole Democrat Richard Edelman, and Michael Kempner of MWW, who was at the Chicago Obama rally personally, palling around with Oprah! But PR firms are worried about a lot of the same communications and media law issues that the ad industry is worried about. Media consolidation could be considered good for corporate PR practitioners, because it narrows down the number of channels they have to deal with and gives them greater leverage. Net neutrality, which Obama probably will support, is a toss up. Political flacks will make their money no matter what, just on different issues. Mainly the PR industry would like Obama to fix the economy so they don't, you know, lose all their clients. The biggest loser in all of PR since the election, obviously, is this guy.
- Entertainment: Hollywood liberals are so sickeningly in the tank we won't even bother listing dozens and dozens of examples in order to support our assertion! Why not drive your Prius over to Leonardo DiCaprio's house and talk about it with him? So then, what does the MPAA, the trade group that rules Hollywood, care about politically? Well they won't stop talking about "piracy" of movies, for one, which is getting really tiresome and is unlikely to be a matter of great interest to a President mired in two wars. Besides that ridiculous obsession, they basically want free flow of trade to enable them to spread their sinful pictures to all corners of the globe, filling their coffers in the process. So Hollywood types should get along okay with the Obama administration. Until the new taxes come down.