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Goldman Sachs is on track to turn in its most profitable year ever, and the bank's near collapse last fall—along with the financial system as a whole—is quickly becoming a distant memory for Goldman chief Lloyd Blankfein. So why is he giving less money to charity than he did before the downturn?

In 2007, back before the financial crisis battered Goldman, the Lloyd & Laura Blankfein Foundation handed out $1.58 million to some 50 non-profit organizations. For the most recent fiscal year ended January 31, 2009, the Blankfeins gave out $950,000, a nearly 40 percent decline.

Blankfein clearly has a ways to go if he expects to keep up with his peers on Wall Street. Although it's been Blankfein on the hot seat the last few months—and he probably stands to benefit the most by portraying himself as a big giver—JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon gave away far more money last year as part of his personal foundation. Compare and contrast below.

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