• Olana on lower Madison Avenue is the latest restaurant to go bust. [Crain's]
• The UES fixture Gino's is still open, it may not be for much longer. [NYT]
• Café Habana's lawyer fired back today at the four ex-employees suing the restaurant. But now two other former servers are voicing similar complaints.
• Your dreams have been answered: The new Chelsea club Amnesia, which opened its doors last night, is "a little bit of Jersey Shore in Manhattan." [GS]
Rao's is impossible to get into. It's also overrated, just as you suspected.
• Gordon Ramsay's restaurant empire almost went under this year. Now he says he plans to focus more on TV than food in the future. [Bloomberg]
• The State Liquor Authority is dealing with another bribery case. [NYP]
• How much goes Kim Kardashian get to appear at a club? $40K. [Eater]