• Apparently Courtney Love said something about being suicidal amid her 60 (!!) blog posts Sunday but she also said her mood was "pirate" (good, right??) and that "ebaz and mj dresses saved my life." Also putting on a dress made her feel pretty. Also: "Dada, circus."
  • NBC's Dan Abrams and supermodel Elle Macpherson are an item. [P6]
  • After a fan committed suicide in front of her house, Paula Abdul hired "healers" to get rid of ghosts, and still is convinced the place is haunted. [P6]
  • Sean Combs: ""I shave and groom my private areas." Good morning to you too, Sean. [R&M - second item]
  • No one tell Ricky Gervais the pound is now worth less than $1.50. The city needs all the economic stimulus it can get [R&M - third item]
  • Oil heir Brandon Davis is now said to be a degenerate gambler, in addition to a sponge. [P6]
  • Madonna is crushing Britney Spears' only-recently-revived hopes and dreams. [Showbiz Spy]
  • Miley Cyrus is not dead. [E!]