Despite his better judgment, Adrien Brody hasn't given up on the interview circuit, sharing the first of his shameless, wholly partial Oscar picks and remembrances at last night's premiere of his new film Cadillac Records.

Our favorite castle-dwelling Academy Award winner is proud to be pulling for his old Bullet co-star Mickey Rourke, who played a "Jewish junkie" opposite Brody's "artistic, sensitive younger brother" back in 1996. Sure, Brody loves Rourke in The Wrestler and everything, but as he notes to the NY Times, the magic of Oscar has less to do with how you win the award than with how you make it work for you:

“It’s profound in and of itself. It had a profound effect on my whole being and that immersion never leaves you,” he said. “It’s obviously had a positive effect on my career. It’s changed certain elements of my life but the challenge is still there to find great material and to find characters that are on journeys worth taking. It’s a wonderful honor but I don’t expect it to do anything."

But don't take Brody's word for it — the work speaks for itself: The Village, The Jacket, Hollywoodland, The Darjeeling Limited, the straight-to-video Manolete and the dumped Oscar '08 hopeful The Brothers Bloom. King Kong wasn't half-bad either, and who can forget his recent, moody magic in The Proboscis-Salami Connection? This man genuinely knows his art.