If you're working for a client-service business that's facing serious uncertainty because of the crumbling economy, the last thing you want is a stressed-out CEO. So you'd be grateful for a boss like Kevin Roberts, the CEO of massive global ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi, who's written a long blog post about his recent refreshing five-day luxury vacation at Elizabeth Hurley's favorite Thai spa. The Classic Cleansing diet and daily massages really helped him get some perspective on his employees' crumbling 401(k) plans:

"I love this room that overlooks the pool, palm trees, yoga pavilion, and ocean. It is a place where I recharge my batteries for the year-end and take time out to refresh the mind, body, and spirit. I dropped 8lbs. by following a 5-day Classic Cleansing diet comprising of vegetable juice, potassium broth, wheatgrass, and lots and lots of water.

I combined this with a daily massage (including my first ever facial) and a brilliant 5 Element Massage using hot and cold stones. I also worked out every morning, played tennis with Tam every day (four wins out of four – 3 in a tie-break and one 7-5). I had a water aerobics class daily and at least one hot tub and steam every day. I didn’t speak to anyone except the tennis pro for the entire five days and it gave me time to focus on positivity and replenishment."

While not speaking to anyone except the tennis pro, he did take note of the news back home—specifically, "people’s 401K funds in the U.S. being hammered, and job losses wherever you look." But Kevin Roberts found the strength to pull through, somehow:

Once again, though, my readings helped me, “Conditions are always good, never bad; we need to know how to make good use of them. The man who waits for conditions to improve may have to wait for eternity”.

Why can't you keep that in mind, proles? [A fuller explanation of the various outrages here at BNet Advertising]