Stoned Phelps Trashed Hotel Room, Says Not-So-Blind Post Item

It was supposed to be a blind item, but the accompanying picture of Anderson Cooper helps answer the Post's question about a reefer-mad "Olympic champion."
Which Olympian trashed a Michigan hotel room after trying pot for the first time? Well, Cooper just did a big splashy 60 Minutes interview with swimmer Michael Phelps, and he has no similarly plausible connection to the other two items (about a female "lifestyle diva" who used a hand model, and a "still-sexy actress" who got a face lift), so the question kind of answers itself.
Page Six will probably act coy and say the picture was misplaced (it appears on another item as well), but Phelps has been touring around the country (and staying in hotel rooms) and, by his own admission, let himself go. And though he seems like he'd greatly enjoy pot, it's not like he had much of a chance when he was in the pool seven days per week, trying to train up to Olympic standards.
That said, this sounds totally made up:
The stoned athlete broke the TVs in his room, but later bought exact replicas so he could replace them before anybody at the hotel was the wiser.
When you're in the process of gathering an estimated $100 million in endorsement deals, you don't take the time to get all bashful about paying for your trashed hotel room. And, uh, since when do potheads love their TVs LESS when they're high?