Sitcoms are rarely created under a veil of intense secrecy, but the creators behind NBC's new Amy Poehler "non-spinoff" of The Office rival even Lost for sheer obfuscation. Now, finally, we have a synopsis.

Zap2It's Korbi Ghosh was the first to dig up a show premise that wasn't merely a joke idea tossed off by Amy Poehler:

A couple nosy moles tell me that, like The Office, it's basically documentary style. Set in the parks & recreation department of a local city government in some podunk town, Poehler will play a delusional employee, totally unaware that she doesn't work in high ranking politics. And of course there will be supporting players around to make fun of her foolish idiocy. Sound too much like another show we already know? Well, I'm hearing that the writers are currently tweaking the concept a bit, but this is the general idea.

Though the current plot resembles The Office far too much for our liking, there's promise in the setting—if, that is, producers shoot the show like it was a Detroit city council meeting on public access television. Just as the Steve Carell iteration of The Office started by borrowing scripts and plotlines from its British progenitor, scenes of Amy Poehler calling Aziz Ansari "Shrek" could power this non-spinoff though May sweeps, at least!