Congratulations to Self magazine, for Conde Nast CEO Charles Townsend naming its publisher the company's Publisher of the Year! But when you look at the numbers, you see just how sad this award really is:

Self was Conde's best title because its ad pages only declined 3.2% last year. Cookie (up 10.8%), Allure (-4.5%), Details (-6.6%), and Golf World (up 4.3%) also received distinctions from Townsend. If those are the winners, what would Conde's big losers look like? We'll tell you! [Ad pages in 2008]:

Bronze losers:
Vogue, -9.7%
Teen Vogue, -10%
Lucky, -11%
Conde Nast Traveler, -11.2%
GQ, -11.5%

Silver losers:
Glamour, -12.4%
Wired, -12.5%

Gold losers:
Vanity Fair, -15.5%
Bon Appetit, -16.5%

Platinum loser:
Gourmet, -23,4%

Plutonium loser:
The New Yorker, -26.8%